Anyway, I now have a new vehicle. Well, it's not quite new and in fact he's older than Bruce but should last me a few years of carrying kit and Weedude all over the place. What's he called I don't hear you ask - well, he's called Bil. Why; quite obviously because bil is Swedish for car 😜
In other news, ignoring the shite that is occurring on a global scale, things in the clan aren't too shabby. My little sis is giving cancer a bleddy good kicking, the sun is starting to make more of an appearance and we had the longest day of the year today - bring on the summer.
The Weedude turns 2 next month. I'm still trying to get a handle on the dad thing and so getting my head around having a 2yr old is just mental. He still gets me up far too early in the morning and I miss the ability to be selfish about how I spend my time but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't return him. Each day is something different. The last couple of days have been all about the sunnies and backpack.
Inside or out, it doesn't matter. I'm guessing in part it's because my nappy bag is a backpack and I'm always wearing sunnies in the sunshine.
Need to get my arse in gear once I'm off work and sort out Kitty (our little folding caravan). I'm sure given a couple of sunny days and I'd have her at 90% sorted but we've neither had the weather or time the last month or so. Once she's sorted and then my little fam will be able to head off for mini-adventures by the coast or lake.