Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Been a few months...

Bleddy hell, where has the time gone?

Well on our way through 2020 and unless you've been living under a rock or been sailing the oceans (yep, that's happened), you should know that 2020 is being a right ol' shitter.

Things are ok with us at the moment. L is 35 weeks pregnant and the Weedude is starting to get a little isolation crazed but we're all healthy.
I think I'd be underestimating the level of crazy in the world at the moment and then impact on our lives. My mum has been pretty much alone for almost two months now, one of my main Aunties died last week but there will be no 'normal' funeral and the birth of Son number 2 is going to be strange one; at the moment I will be allowed to see the birth but will have to leave not long after that. I'll then next see L and the new arrival once I head back to the hospital to pick them up.

So....just like everyone else, sport has taken quite a back-seat. All triathlons have been cancelled and with gyms all closed for the duration. Add in the fact I can't go surfing and the lakes are all closed, I am feeling a tad 'fat'. I have made myself a 20kg weight bag and have a large concrete post that I can call my home-gym kit but that's only for dry weather. I'm taken up the Fitbit Premium freebee and even though classes aren't my thing, I've actually appreciated some short video sessions to keep me moving. Not forgetting the old balance board for a bit of an in front of the TV wobble.

Apart from general life stuff happening, there's not a lot to be said. All the scary or fun stuff is yet to come.

Grandma came to stay over Xmas

Winter tunnel playing

Wet feet....who cares

Same stream, different day

Hiding in the woods

Coffee shop (before they all closed)

Oxford Museum

Pump track

1st time bowling

Night time sneaky holiday


Woolly beach

Thinking about...

Look at that view

I made a spaceship

Don't know

Wearing my lid 

Old school licking the whisk

The Weedudes drawing is coming along

Lock down means no bike riding

A bit of a tumble

He's ok



Lockdown wandering

I made a mud kitchen


Our woods

Pretend festival

Planting seedlings
